Beautiful Morning!

We've had some intense heat here lately, so to have a morning be 75 degrees with a northerly breeze was a great thing. A good friend and I rode out Kestrel road this am to State Line Rd., then came south the 1/2 mile or so to the site. Wasn't a ceremonious event really, we placed the memorial, spent a few quiet minutes listening to the breeze and birds. We enjoyed our kinship with cyclists all over, and thought about Earl and his family. We got back on the bikes, and enjoyed our earned tailwind for a flowing hilly ride home.

Ride on!


This is taken from the shoulder of the road at mile marker 105 on Highway 73.
I'm eager to see how it looks when the trimmed grass greens up again.


Sally said…

I am Earl's wife and I appreciate so much the memorial you placed in honor of my husband. When I saw the picture of the memorial I was moved because I know Earl would be pleased. I think of how much Earl loved Kansas and biking the country roads. Before he left this ride he was like a kid heading off to camp because every year he so looked forward to these rides. Earl died doing what he loved and that is the way he said he wanted to go (not necessarily getting hit by a car) but doing what he loved.
Thank you for taking the time to have a memorial for him and for placing the memorial in his honor.
My email is if you would like to email me.

Sally Johnston
Linda Smith said…
Thank you so much for leaving the fitting memorial for Earl Johnston.