Minivan Salvation

Today's ride was terrific. Really hammered the first 24 miles or so, the first 20 of which were into 20mph+ sustained winds. Then the wind turned, came back into my face, and drove some really chilly rain. Plenty of it. The temp dropped and parts of me started getting numb. The first time I tried to call my lovely and supportive Wife, I didn't have a signal. 3 miles later she answered, jumped in the Mercury Villager and came to my aid. I was only 5 miles from home, but they were all northerly miles, and into the storm. Still, got 30. Wore shorts, too, because the temp when I left the house was 70!!!!!

Teerific that spring seems to be here. The gravel miles are much more enjoyable than I'd anticipated. I'm not at all surprised at the beauty of Brown County - Glad to be doing it.

